The Perks of Having Crèche Facility in Government Offices

The Perks of Having Crèche Facility in Government Offices

Can a child or toddler live in the home alone? The answer is NO. However, it has been observed that Indian cities adopt detailed working schedules, making it extremely difficult for government employees to care for a child without having a creche facility for employees within government offices that follow safe and hygienic norms.

A crèche is where babies and young children are cared for when their parents are involved...Continue reading

Maternity Benefit Act - A Complete Guide

Maternity Benefit Act - A Complete Guide

With India’s population continuously rising, maintaining maternal health is paramount. The Maternity Benefit Act is a piece of legislation enacted in India to protect the rights of working women during pregnancy, childbirth, and after delivery. The act provides for paid leave and several other benefits for women who are expecting or have recently given birth. ...Continue reading

Corporate Crèche vs. Daycare: Understanding the Key Differences

Corporate Crèche vs. Daycare: Understanding the Key Differences

Imagine this scenario- You're a working parent, and your company has just announced that they will open a daycare at workplace. You're thrilled at the prospect of having your child nearby while you work, but as you begin to investigate the details, you wonder: what exactly is the difference between a crèche and a daycare? Are they the same thing? Which one is better for your child? ...Continue reading

Most Common Challenges Faced by Working Mothers

Most Common Challenges Faced by Working Mothers

It is an open secret that being a mother can be challenging for any woman. Being a mother is a complex, multifaceted task requiring time, energy, and resources. The increasing number of women in the workforce has led to a rise in their challenges when managing their personal lives and work commitments. ...Continue reading

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